Basic Bind off (BO)

The Basic Bind off is the most common way to finish your knitting and the first to learn for beginner knitters. Binding off also called casting off secures stitches to stop them from unraveling. The Basic Bind off uses interlocking knits and purls.


Abbreviations & Alternative Names

The Basic Bind off may also be called Bind off, Classic Bind off or cast off.

Bind off is abbreviated to - BO

Completed Basic Bind off


Basic Bind off Step by Step



Binding off knitwise is used for binding off the right side of Stockinette stitch or both the right and wrongside of garter stitch.

Knit Swatch with 2 stitches on left needle and multiple stitches on left needle.

Step 1

Knit 2 stitches (sts).

1 stitch on right needle with left needle pulling a stitch over that stitch

Step 2

Use left needle to pull first stitch on right needle over the second stitch and off the needle - 1 stitch remains on right needle.

2 stitches on right needle with one stitch bound off on right end. Multiple stitches on left needle.

Step 3

Knit 1 stitch (st).

Repeat steps 2 & 3 until 1 stitch remains.

Break working yarn leaving a tail to weave in. Pull the tail through the last stitch, gently tighten to complete.



Binding off purlwise is used for binding off the wrong side of Stockinette stitch.

2 purl stitches on the right needle, multiple stitches remain on left needle.

Step 1

Purl 2 stitches (sts).

Left needle pulling first purl stitch over the 2nd purl stitch.

Step 2

Use left needle to pull first stitch on right needle over the second stitch and off the needle - 1 stitch remains on right needle.

Step 3

Purl 1 stitch (st).

Repeat steps 2 & 3 until 1 stitch remains.

Break working yarn leaving a tail to weave in. Pull the tail through the last stitch, gently tighten to complete.


Binding off in pattern

Binding off in pattern follows the established stitch pattern creating a more uniform bind off with alternating knits and purls.

1 purl stitch & 1 knit stitch on right needle. More ribbing stitches on left needle.

Step 1

Knit or Purl 2 stitches (sts) - following established pattern.

Left needle pulling purl stitch over knit stitch and off the right needle.

Step 2

Use left needle to pull first stitch on right needle over the second stitch and off the needle - 1 stitch remains on right needle.

1 knit stitch & 1 purl stitch on right needle. 3 ribbing stitches remain on the left needle.

Step 3

Knit or Purl 1 stitch (st).

Repeat steps 2 & 3 until 1 stitch remains.

Break working yarn leaving a tail to weave in. Pull the tail through the last stitch, gently tighten to complete.


Characteristics of Basic Bind off



Keep stitches slightly loose on needles.


The Basic Bind off creates a chain of knit stitches on the bind off edge.


The Basic Bind off has approximately 40% stretch. The above example stretches from 7" to 10".


Tip: Basic Bind off in the round


Binding off in the round used the same techniques as binding off knitting flat. However, after binding off the final stitch leaves a gap. This can be resolved using the yarn tail when weaving in ends.


Binding off in the round leaves a gap one row high between the first and last stitch. This happens because knitting in the round is in a spiral shape and not evenly stacked rows.


Connecting the first and last bound off stitches with a grafted knit stitch evens out the beginning and end of round.

Yarn tail thread on needle. The needle is under the 2 legs of the first bound off stitch.

Step 1

Thread the yarn tail onto a darning needle. Insert the needle under both legs of the first bound off stitch, front to back. The first bound off stitch is the stitch to the left of the stitch with the yarn tail.

Yarn needle inserted into the center of the last bound off stitch.

Step 2

Insert the darning needle into the center of the last bound off stitch, front to back. This is the same spot the yarn comes out of.


Video Tutorial for Basic Bind off


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Backward Loop Cast on (BLCO)